Africans Comprise a Large and Growing Share of Migrants to Europe
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Assane Diallo, a migrant who is preparing to travel by boat from Senegal to the Canary Islands, poses for photograph in Dakar, Senegal, on November 28, 2018.Edward McAllister/Reuters Blog Post by John Campbell December 14, 2018 The European Commission announced that that migrant and refugee arrivals in Europe via the Mediterranean Sea number 134,004 as of December 5, 2018, down from 179,536 during the same period in 2017. The year that saw the highest number of arrivals, 1,015,078, was 2015. While Italy experienced the biggest drop, arrivals actually increased in Spain and Greece. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan have remained the largest countries of origin since 2014; since then, almost one million Syrians have sought asylum in the Europe Sub-Saharan Africans make up an large portion of those living outside their country of origin globally, and remain a significant and growing part of the migrant and refugee flow, especially those arriving in Italy and Spain. In Ital...
Why a compromise on gender identity, however well-intended, is a disaster for religious liberty
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THE BRIEFING Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 Audio Download MP3 Play16:32 World News Group (J.C. Derrick) Boards back SOGI compromise New York Times (Laurie Goodstein) Utah Passes Antidiscrimination Bill Backed by Mormon Leaders TRANSCRIPT The Briefing December 13, 2018 This is a rush transcript. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. It's Thursday, December 13, 2018. I'm Albert Mohler and this is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview. Why a compromise on gender identity, however well-intended, is a disaster for religious liberty A big issue has been brewing within evangelical circles. It has been waiting for the moment to public disclosure, and that moment has come. Yesterday, World Magazine ran an article by J. C. Derrick entitled Boards Back: SOGI Compromise. That is sexual orientation and gender identity compromise. The subhead, Major Christian Groups Endures Framework to Expand LGBT Rights in Exchange for Religious Protect...
The Bankrupt Welfare State: Coming Turmoil of the 2020's
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A Constant Peril
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For years there has been a growing tendency for men placed in positions of responsibility to lord it over God's heritage, thus removing from church members their keen sense of the need of divine instruction and an appreciation of the privilege to counsel with God regarding their duty. This order of things must be changed. There must be a reform. Men who have not a rich measure of that wisdom which cometh from above should not be called to serve in positions where their influence means so much to church members. In my earlier experiences in the message, I was called to meet this evil. During my labors in Europe and Australia, and more recently at the San Jose camp meeting in 1905, I had to bear my testimony of warning against it, because souls were being led to look to man for wisdom, instead of looking to God, who is our wisdom, our sanctification, and our righteousness. And now the same message has again been given me, more definite and decisive, because there has been a deeper of...
Climate change conference runs into overtime as delegates struggle to re...
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